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분류 전체보기1422

CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Goldring 2400 Goldring 2400 Type: Moving Iron (MI) Stylus: Vital Compliance: Medium Price: £395 Background When I bought the Goldring 2400, I didn’t need another cartridge – this purchase was the result of idle eBay browsing during the post-Christmas lull a few years ago. The cartridge was offered used at about a third of the ‘new’ price with only an estimated 100 hours on the clock. I couldn’t resist the opp.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Glanz MFG-310LX Glanz MFG-310LX Type: Moving Flux (MF) Stylus: Nude Line Contact Compliance: Medium Price: Mid-price (vintage) Background I was talked into buying a Glanz cartridge by a salesman in the Nottingham branch of Superfi, back in 1982 when I was seeking a replacement stylus for a Grado cartridge on a Trio KD1033 turntable. Previously, I had never heard of Glanz. The model that I bought was the MFG-31E.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Denon DL-110 Denon DL-110 Type: High Output Moving Coil (HOMC) Stylus: Nude Elliptical Compliance: Medium Price: £219 Background Soon after re-entering the world of vinyl, I discovered the Denon DL-110 cartridge to be a firm favourite amongst audiophiles. It is a breed of cartridge that was completely new to me – a High Output Moving Coil (HOMC). As such, it has a higher output than a conventional MC cartrid.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Audio Technica AT-OC9ML/II Audio Technica AT-OC9ML/II Type: Moving Coil (MC) Stylus: Nude MicroLine Compliance: Medium Price: £400 Background The Audio Technica AT-OC9ML/II is my only low-output moving coil (MC) cartridge, although I do own a high-output MC. Therefore, this review is written against a backdrop of predominantly moving magnet (MM) cartridges. When I bought my first phono pre-amp with an MC input, I was keen.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Audio Technica AT-VM95E Audio Technica AT-VM95E Type: Moving Magnet (MM) Stylus: Bonded Elliptical Compliance: Medium Price: £44 Background When Audio Technica announced a new cartridge to supersede the long-running and incredibly popular AT95E, I was curious as to how the new AT-VM95E would compare with its predecessor. The cartridge had been out a few months when I purchased a lightly-used example that the previous o.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Audio Technica AT95E Audio Technica AT95E Type: Moving Magnet (MM) Stylus: Bonded Elliptical Compliance: Medium Price: £35 Background I have been aware of the Audio Technica AT95E since it was introduced in the early 1980s, when I knew it as a popular entry-level cartridge with a reputation for being bright. On rekindling my interest in vinyl, I realised that this budget cartridge had survived the years and had beco.. 2024. 3. 29.
CARTRIDGE REVIEWS - Audio Technica AT3600L + AT91 Audio Technica AT3600L + AT91 Type: Moving Magnet (MM) Stylus: Bonded Conical Compliance: Low/Medium Price: £15-25 (AT3600L), £20-30 (AT91) Background The Audio Technica AT3600L is a cartridge that I briefly experienced as the stock cartridge on a couple of budget turntables that passed through my hands and impressed me in my low-budget, secondary system. More recently, I realised that this bott.. 2024. 3. 29.
J.Sikora Reference turntable and KV12 VTA tonearm By Michael Fremer Stereophile's Products of 2022 Joint Analog Components of the Year ​ Analog Corner #323: J.Sikora Reference turntable and KV12 VTA tonearm Michael Fremer | Jun 21, 2022 Lublin, Poland, is about 130 miles from Lviv, Ukraine, a town that has been in the news lately. That's about the same distance as Hershey, Pennsylvania, is from my desk in northern New Jersey, where I'm writing this. They are clo.. 2024. 3. 28.
Clearaudio Reference Jubilee record player Stereophile's Products of 2022 Joint Analog Components of the Year ​ Clearaudio Reference Jubilee record player Ken Micallef | Jun 29, 2022 There's an enduring debate among the turntable-tech intelligentsia between opposing theories of turntable design. Some designers, notably Roy Gandy of Rega, follow a less-is-more approach, building stiff, lightweight turntables that release energy rather qui.. 2024. 3. 28.
SOTA Quasar Turntable and Pyxi Phonostage SOTA Quasar Turntable and Pyxi Phonostage REVIEW by Drew Kalbach Mar 26, 2024 https://www.theabsolutesound.com/ Ever since I was a young lad first foraging like a hunter-gatherer through eBay listings for a reasonably priced receiver with the pretty wood sides and the big silver faceplate, I’ve wanted to try a SOTA. Something about that classic styling, about that wood grain, just gets me. I’m a.. 2024. 3. 27.
Luxman PD-191A Turntable Luxman PD-191A Turntable Review: Ken Kessler, Lab: Paul Miller | Mar 25, 2024 https://www.hifinews.com/ Home Page www.hifinews.com Few brands can match Luxman when it comes to blending traditional engineering values with timeless elegance, and the new PD-191A flagship is an exemplar of the art 전통적인 엔지니어링 가치와 시대를 초월한 우아함을 결합하는 데 있어 Luxman을 따라올 수 있는 브랜드는 거의 없으며, 새로운 PD-191A 플래그십은 예술의 본보기입니다. There.. 2024. 3. 26.
FURUTECH XLR 플러그 골드 도금 FP-701M 2024. 3. 26.