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AXPONA Preview: Aidas Mammoth Gold Limited Edition Cartridge

by onekey 2024. 4. 11.

AXPONA Preview: Aidas Mammoth Gold Limited Edition Cartridge

Mike Mettler  |  Apr 9, 2024




One day closer to AXPONA means we still have time for at least one more product preview, and today’s subject is the noted Lithuanian company Aidas and their Mammoth Gold Tusk Limited Edition cartridge — a.k.a., the Tusk.

AXPONA가 하루 앞으로 다가왔다는 것은 아직 제품 프리뷰를 한 번 더 할 시간이 남았다는 뜻이며, 오늘의 주제는 리투아니아의 유명한 회사 Aidas와 그들의 맘모스 골드 터스크 한정판 카트리지, 일명 터스크입니다.


According to Aidas, the Mammoth Gold LE cart features “carefully selected” white, ultra-pure mammoth tusk material, and it employs an upgraded magnetic system featuring a larger Alnico-5 magnet that is said to ensure “stable and rich magnetic fields for enhanced performance.”

Aidas에 따르면 맘모스 골드 LE 카트는 "엄선된" 흰색의 초순수 맘모스 엄니 소재를 사용했으며, "향상된 성능을 위해 안정적이고 풍부한 자기장을 보장하는" 더 큰 알니코-5 자석을 갖춘 업그레이드된 마그네틱 시스템을 채택했습니다.



A special Ogura Line Contact stylus is said to provide maximum vertical contact and minimal front-to-back contact, resulting in a “pristine” sound reproduction. The Tusk LE version of the Mammoth Gold cartridge is also said to offer improved resolution and clarity, smooth and delicate treble, and “lightning fast” transients.

특수 오구라 라인 콘택트 스타일러스는 수직 접촉을 극대화하고 앞뒤 접촉을 최소화하여 "깨끗한" 사운드를 재생한다고 합니다. 또한 맘모스 골드 카트리지의 터스크 LE 버전은 향상된 해상도와 선명도, 부드럽고 섬세한 고음, "번개처럼 빠른" 트랜지언트를 제공한다고 합니다.


Aidas isn’t kidding when they called this one a limited edition, as the Lithuanian company confirms that they will only build a total of 10 Mammoth Gold LE cartridges.

리투아니아 회사에서 총 10개의 맘모스 골드 LE 카트리지만 제작할 예정이라고 밝혔기 때문에 Aidas가 이 제품을 한정판이라고 부른 것은 농담이 아닙니다.



For further context, specs for the core Mammoth Gold cart include a Namiki/Adamant boron cantilever, MicroRidge stylus, output of 0.28mV, tracking force of 1.9g, recommended load of 100 to 1,000ohms, coil impedance of 3ohms (DC), and a weight of 11.2g.

자세한 설명을 위해 핵심 Mammoth Gold 카트의 사양은 나미키/아다만트 붕소 캔틸레버, MicroRidge 스타일러스, 출력 0.28mV, 추적력 1.9g, 권장 부하 100~1,000ohm, 코일 임피던스 3ohm(DC), 무게 11.2g입니다.



As mentioned in yesterday’s preview of J.Sikora’s Standard Max 15th Anniversary turntable, Notable Audio Products will showcase the Aidas Mammoth Gold LE cartridge in a high-end system that will be on display in the Nirvana A room at AXPONA. In addition to both the J.Sikora table and Aidas cart, other gear in this system is set to include Doshi Audio’s EVO preamp, monoblock amps, and phono preamp; Berkeley Audio Design’s Alpha DAC Reference 3 and USB Series 2.0; Aurender’s N30SA music server; Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene Ultra speakers; Cardas’ Clear Beyond cables; and HRS’ EXR rack.

어제 J.Sikora의 스탠다드 맥스 15주년 기념 턴테이블 프리뷰에서 언급했듯이, 주목할 만한 오디오 제품은 AXPONA의 너바나 A 룸에 전시될 하이엔드 시스템에서 Aidas 맘모스 골드 LE 카트리지를 선보일 예정입니다. 이 시스템에는 J.Sikora 테이블과 Aidas 카트 외에도 Doshi Audio의 EVO 프리앰프, 모노블럭 앰프, 포노 프리앰프, 버클리 오디오 디자인의 알파 DAC 레퍼런스 3 및 USB 시리즈 2.0, 오렌더의 N30SA 뮤직 서버, 조셉 오디오 펄 그래핀 울트라 스피커, Cardas의 Clear Beyond 케이블, HRS의 EXR 랙 등 다양한 장비가 전시될 예정이에요.


Finally, the SRP for the Aidas Mammoth Gold LE cartridge has yet to be announced, but we will be scoping it out when we experience it in action in that high-end playback system that’ll be set up in the above-noted Nirvana A room at AXPONA.

마지막으로, Aidas 맘모스 골드 LE 카트리지의 SRP는 아직 발표되지 않았지만, 앞서 언급한 AXPONA의 너바나 A 룸에 설치될 하이엔드 재생 시스템에서 실제로 체험해 보면 그 범위가 정해질 것입니다.


For more about Aidas, go here.
To find out how to purchase Aidas cartridges, go here.