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The Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP4

by onekey 2024. 3. 30.

The Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP4

The MC phono stage pre-preamp

also with MM =  Moving Magnet

100% pure tube job, no silicon inside

Debut June 2022 !




From the designer

The Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP4 is a result of long research that we took regarding the feasibility of creating the no compromise phonostage that is worthy of our reputation in DACs.

램피제이터 바이닐 포노 VP4는 DAC 명성에 걸맞은 타협 없는 포노스테이지의 실현 가능성에 대해 오랜 시간 연구한 결과물입니다. 

There were some basic criteria which we thought are important, namely:

우리가 중요하다고 생각한 몇 가지 기본 기준이 있었습니다:


No siliconMC input without external SUTTube rectified PSU

외부 SUTTube 정류 PSU 없이 실리콘MC 입력 없음


All in one box designTube stages for input and output

No negative feedback

Premium parts

User switchable input loads for MC  (low - normal - high)

올인원 박스 디자인입출력용 튜브 스테이지

네거티브 피드백 없음

프리미엄 부품

용자 전환 가능한 MC용 입력 부하(낮음-보통-높음)


Big housing like the Big 7 DACFinish variants with black top, copper top, etcConcealed tubesNixie display for 5 input loads and muting“volume” style knob for selector of loadsNeedle current meter

Big 7 DAC와 같은 대형 하우징블랙 상단, 구리 상단 등의 마감 변형은닉 튜브5개의 입력 부하 및 음소거를 위한 닉시 디스플레이부하 선택기를 위한 "볼륨" 스타일 노브니들 전류계


Last but not least: all our vinyl products listed here are ONE BOX, without an ugly PSU box hanging somewhere behind the rack. We strongly believe that power supply should be as close to "power consumers" as possible, and properly designed product proves that this is optimal solution. Outboard PSU are made by designers who don't know any better.

​마지막으로 중요한 것은 여기에 나열된 모든 비닐 제품은 랙 뒤 어딘가에 매달려 있는 보기 흉한 PSU 박스가 없는 하나의 박스입니다. 우리는 전원 공급 장치가 가능한 한 "전력 소비자"에 가까워야 한다고 굳게 믿고 있으며, 제대로 설계된 제품은 이것이 최적의 솔루션임을 증명합니다. 아웃보드 PSU는 더 나은 것을 모르는 디자이너가 만듭니다.


Out goal is to target directly and successfully the top end of the market - players like Kondo, Audio-Note, EMT, EAR deParavicini, and similar phono stages. The initial sales tests confirmed, that we succeeded to achieve that goal and in most cases at a substantially lower price.

콘도, 오디오노트, EMT, 귀 드파라비치니, 그리고 이와 유사한 포노 스테이지와 같은 최고급 시장을 직접적이고 성공적으로 공략하는 것이 목표입니다. 초기 판매 테스트 결과, 대부분의 경우 상당히 저렴한 가격으로 그 목표를 달성하는 데 성공했음을 확인했습니다.


We decided to streamline MC1 and MC2 into one VP4 product which in its 4th revision is simply a much better platform for building various options on it.

우리는 MC1과 MC2를 하나의 VP4 제품으로 간소화하기로 결정했고, 4차 개정판에서는 다양한 옵션을 구축할 수 있는 훨씬 더 나은 플랫폼이 되었습니다.


 VP4-MC inputs  (x2) , one MM input, single ended output RCA pair,  (8000 Euro plus VAT tax)

 VP4-MC 입력(x2), MM 입력 1개, 싱글 엔드 출력 RCA 페어, (8000유로+부가세)


OPTIONS: VP4-Balanced - with both RCA and XLR outputs (+2000 Euro)

​옵션: VP4-밸런스드 - RCA 및 XLR 출력 모두 포함(+2000유로)


VP4 may be ordered as "silver" version that means silver SUT transformer in place of copper one, silver wiring, RCA from WBT, copper chassis , flight case. (+4000 Euro)

VP4는 "실버" 버전으로 주문할 수 있으며, 이는 구리 변압기, 은색 배선, WBT의 RCA, 구리 섀시, 플라이트 케이스 대신 은색 SUT 변압기를 의미합니다. (+4000 유로)


Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP4(flagship phono product) (June 01. 2022)

The Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP4 is at the time of writing the pinnacle of RIAA Pre-Preamplifier design from Lampizator. The MM1 / MM2 / MC1 product were so successful, that we decided to take the hard path of offering the ultimate convenience flagship product for the die hard "three arm" vinyl maniacs. Or who knows - three table guys, perhaps.

It is a result of long research that we took regarding the feasibility of creating the no compromise Phonostage that is worthy of our reputation in DACs. 

램프피자터 바이닐 포노 VP4는 현재 램프피자터 프리-프리앰프 디자인의 정점을 찍고 있는 제품입니다. MM1 / MM2 / MC1 제품이 매우 성공적이었기 때문에 우리는 "세 개의 암"을 사용하는 바이닐 마니아를 위한 궁극의 편의성을 갖춘 플래그십 제품을 제공하는 어려운 길을 택하기로 결정했습니다. 아니면 누가 알겠습니까? 세 명의 테이블맨일 수도 있겠죠. DAC 분야에서 쌓아온 명성에 걸맞은 타협 없는 Phonostage의 실현 가능성에 대해 오랜 시간 연구한 결과입니다. 


There were some basic criteria which we thought are important, namely:

우리가 중요하다고 생각한 몇 가지 기본 기준이 있었습니다:


One box solution, elegant and bold

No siliconMC and MM  inputs combined in one design

All 3 inputs RCA, also outputs fully balanced XLR's as well as SE RCA's

Tube dual diode rectified PSU

MUTE function

​우아하고 대담한 원박스 솔루션
하나의 디자인에 실리콘MC와 MM 입력이 결합되지 않음
3개의 입력 RCA, 풀 밸런스 XLR과 SE RCA 출력 모두 지원
튜브 듀얼 다이오드 정류 PSU
음소거 기능


Basic Specifications VP4:

Inputs: One stereo MM input (RCA) and two stereo MC inputs (RCA)

Outputs: One stereo RCA output with < 1Kohm output impedance, one XLR stereo output with <1k per phase impedance

Amplification factor: Total of 3200x, (70 dB)

Cartridge compatibility: Moving Coil MC and Moving Magnet MM

Number of input load settings: 5 for MC, 1 for MM input

Output level on average music material: 2V pp

Output headroom: 10x

Power consumption: 60W

AC mains: 110/115/220/230V AC /  50 - 60Hz

Tube compliment: 4 x 6N2P-B, 4Xecc803, 2x 6N6P, 1X6X5, 1 x Nixie

Shelf footprint: 43x51 cm (W x D)

Total height clearance: 13 cm

Weight (net / shipping gross):  17 kg / 25 kg  (19/27 with copper)

Power supply: fully linear, 150 Watt, fully regulated for every consumption point.

Paid "visual"  options: Copper top, spare kit of tubes.

Lampizator Vinyl Phono SILVER LINE (Nov 21. 2020)

The Lampizator Vinyl Phono VP line has been enriched by the addition of silver wired transformers. Such ultra expensive and radical solution is very rare and exotic, while offering the best signal transparency and magical purity, that can be appreciated on very revealing top end systems. To this end we decided to add some equally exotic solutions that would make the whole "package" of our ultimate offering. This affects only the MC products - not the MM (where no SUT is used)

람피자터 바이닐 포노 VP 라인에 은선 트랜스포머가 추가되어 더욱 풍성해졌습니다. 이러한 매우 비싸고 급진적인 솔루션은 매우 희귀하고 이국적인 동시에 최고의 신호 투명성과 마법의 순도를 제공하여 매우 드러나는 최고급 시스템에서 감상할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해 저희는 궁극적인 제품의 전체 '패키지'를 구성할 수 있는 똑같이 이국적인 솔루션을 추가하기로 결정했습니다. 이는 MC 제품에만 영향을 미치며 MM(SUT가 사용되지 않는)에는 적용되지 않습니다.

What you get in the silver package:

- silver SUT on an amorphous core

- all copper  capacitors in the signal path

- copper top of the chassis

- flight case custom made for a given product

실버 패키지에 포함된 내용
- 아몰퍼스 코어의 실버 SUT
- 신호 경로의 모든 구리 커패시터
- 섀시 상단 구리
- 특정 제품을 위해 맞춤 제작된 플라이트 케이스