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This Mat Not That (By: Michael Fremer March 17th, 2024)

by onekey 2024. 3. 18.

This Mat Not That (By: Michael Fremer March 17th, 2024)

The Italian company Sublima Audio Researchmanufactures and sells Mat Chakra in standard (190 euro) and Limited editions. You have to get past the stones and other products that will turn off many visitors, but please plow through to the mats! You’ll find a link to a review I wrote and an explanation of how this sandpaper-like mat works.

이탈리아 회사 수블리마 오디오 리서치매트 차크라를 일반(190유로) 및 한정판으로 제조 및 판매합니다. 많은 방문객의 발길을 멈추게 하는 돌과 다른 제품들을 지나쳐야 하지만, 매트까지 쟁기질해 주세요! 제가 쓴 리뷰 링크와 사포처럼 생긴 이 매트가 어떻게 작동하는지에 대한 설명이 나와 있습니다.



I used both for much of this review, in place of the supplied standard white fiber mat. If you own a Planar 8 or Planar 10 I encourage you to give this super thin, stiff mat a try. The difference it made on the Naia was substantial IMO, good as the sound was with the supplied mat. The Mat Chakra intensified the black backgrounds, produced better defined transients especially bass transients and to my ears made everything sound more precise, three-dimensional and vivid. I know the Rega folks won't appreciate this part of the review but that's what I heard, though you can be sure this turntable produced spectacular sonic performance using the supplied mat.


저는 이 리뷰의 대부분에 제공된 표준 흰색 섬유 매트 대신 이 두 가지를 모두 사용했습니다. Planar 8 또는 Planar 10을 소유하고 계신 분이라면 이 얇고 단단한 매트를 사용해 보시기를 추천합니다. 제공된 매트를 사용했을 때와 비교했을 때 Naia의 사운드는 상당한 IMO 차이를 보였습니다. 매트 차크라는 검은색 배경을 강화하고, 특히 저음 트랜지언트를 더 선명하게 만들어주었으며, 제 귀에는 모든 사운드가 더 정확하고 입체적이며 생생하게 들렸습니다. 이 리뷰의 이 부분에 대해 레가 측에서는 별로 좋아하지 않겠지만, 제가 들은 바에 따르면 이 턴테이블은 제공된 매트를 사용하여 놀라운 음향 성능을 만들어 냈습니다.


Mat Chakra: €350 (Recommended Components Fall 2022 Edition Phono Accessories)

This thin, stiff, lightweight, moderately flexible platter mat is made from an undisclosed material with a sandpaper-like finish. With the Chakra in place MF found that, compared with OMA's polycrystalline graphite mat, the aggressive-sounding LP of Shostakovich's The Age of Gold Ballet Suite (RCA LSC-2322) offered a deeper stage, the massed strings had a touch of added warmth, and the woodwinds were a bit less shrill. "The first major orchestral explosion a few minutes in was far less aggressive," he wrote, and was "presented with greater realism and especially control—it didn't jump forward on the stage." 


얇고 단단하며 가볍고 적당히 유연한 이 플래터 매트는 사포와 같은 마감 처리된 미공개 소재로 제작되었습니다. MF는 차크라를 설치한 후 OMA의 다결정 흑연 매트와 비교했을 때 공격적인 사운드의 쇼스타코비치 '황금의 시대 발레 모음곡(RCA LSC-2322)' LP가 더 깊은 무대를 제공하고, 현악기의 질량감이 더 따뜻해졌으며, 목관악기의 날카로움이 조금 덜하다는 것을 발견했습니다. "몇 분 후의 첫 번째 주요 오케스트라 폭발은 훨씬 덜 공격적이었습니다." 그는 "더 사실적이고 특히 무대에서 앞으로 튀어나오지 않는 제어력을 보여주었습니다."라고 썼습니다. 



New Mat Chakra Limited Edition Michael Fremer  |  Apr 27, 2022

I recently received a new washer for the OMA K3 clamp. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept: Screw a clamp down on a platter with a washer under the record and the record edge is forced down onto the platter. The result is better platter/record contact, which reduces vinyl vibration and thus improves the sound. It can tame warps, too.


최근에 OMA K3 클램프용 새 와셔를 받았습니다. 여러분도 이 개념에 대해 잘 알고 계실 겁니다: 레코드판 아래에 와셔가 있는 플래터에 클램프를 조이면 레코드판 가장자리가 플래터에 강제로 내려갑니다. 그 결과 플래터와 레코드판의 접촉이 개선되어 비닐 진동이 줄어들어 사운드가 향상됩니다. 휨 현상도 완화할 수 있습니다.



The new washer was slightly taller, which made for a tighter clamp. The sonic difference was obvious, increased midband richness being the main (but not the only) improvement. It was subtle but significant.

새 와셔는 약간 더 커져서 더 단단하게 고정되었습니다. 소리의 차이는 분명했으며, 중음역대의 풍부함이 주요 개선 사항이었지만 유일한 개선 사항은 아니었습니다. 미묘하지만 중요한 변화였습니다.


The new Mat Chakra, from Sublima Research in Italy (footnote 9), is a thin, stiff, lightweight, moderately flexible platter mat made from an undisclosed material with a sandpaper-like finish and three other mysterious things. One is an approximately ½" × 1/16" cutout in the groove area about an inch from the outer edge. The other two are gray, flat, circular blobs of paint (which is said to act as "an electromagnetic interactor") that fill small, maybe ¼"-diameter circular holes, one located in the label area, the other close to or within the lead-out groove area of many records, depending upon speed and/or cut.

이탈리아 Sublima Research의 새로운 매트 차크라(각주 9)는 얇고 단단하며 가볍고 적당히 유연한 플래터 매트로, 샌드페이퍼와 같은 마감 처리를 한 미공개 소재와 세 가지의 신비한 요소로 만들어졌습니다. 하나는 바깥쪽 가장자리에서 약 1인치 떨어진 홈 부분에 약 ½" × 1/16" 크기의 컷아웃이 있습니다. 다른 두 개는 회색의 납작한 원형 페인트 덩어리("전자기 상호작용자" 역할을 한다고 함)로, 속도 및/또는 컷에 따라 ¼" 직경의 작은 원형 구멍을 채우는데, 하나는 라벨 영역에, 다른 하나는 많은 레코드의 리드아웃 홈 영역에 가깝거나 그 안에 있습니다.


The design of the Mat Chakra is based on "10 years of experimentation and improvement on little known electromagnetism interactions." These are never explained and so remain little known. According to the company's website, the mat is based on three "unique" principles, translated on the Sublima website as "electromagnetic interaction," "tuning and resonant recess," and "understood/mechanical decoupling."

매트 차크라의 디자인은 "거의 알려지지 않은 전자기 상호작용에 대한 10년간의 실험과 개선"을 기반으로 합니다. 이는 설명되지 않았기 때문에 알려진 바가 거의 없습니다. 회사 웹사이트에 따르면 이 매트는 "전자기 상호작용", "튜닝 및 공진 홈", "이해/기계적 디커플링"으로 번역되는 세 가지 "독특한" 원칙을 기반으로 합니다.


By "tuning and resonant recess," I assume the designer means that the mat is "tuned" to reduce vinyl resonances. Mechanical decoupling is easy enough to grasp: The pebbly finish could decouple the record from the mat to some degree.

"튜닝 및 공진 홈"이란 디자이너가 비닐 공진을 줄이기 위해 매트를 "튜닝"했다는 의미라고 생각합니다. 기계적 분리란 쉽게 이해할 수 있습니다. 조약돌 마감으로 인해 레코드판이 매트에서 어느 정도 분리될 수 있습니다.


The letter I received with the Mat Chakra avers that it "allows you to extract more information from the vinyl and decrease wear!" According to the website, wear reduction is achieved "by reducing the contact charge and allowing the needle a much more natural and complete reading."

매트 차크라와 함께 받은 편지에는 "비닐에서 더 많은 정보를 추출하고 마모를 줄일 수 있습니다!"라는 문구가 적혀 있었습니다. 웹사이트에 따르면 마모 감소는 "접촉 전하를 줄이고 바늘이 훨씬 더 자연스럽고 완벽하게 판독할 수 있도록 함으로써" 이루어집니다.


"Studies carried out in the Sublima Research laboratory in Rome have revealed that the reading of the LP is continuously error [sic] because these disturbances generate a sound degradation and a displacement of the original timbres, as well as shifting the tones and reproducing a sound of different pitch (frequency). The Mat Chakra Limited acts on the capacitive/mechanical behavior between the vinyl head (cartridge?) and the turntable."

"로마의 수블리마 연구소에서 수행한 연구에 따르면 이러한 교란으로 인해 소리가 저하되고 원래 음색이 변할 뿐만 아니라 음색이 바뀌고 다른 피치(주파수)의 소리가 재생되기 때문에 LP 판독에 지속적인 오류가 발생한다는 사실이 밝혀졌습니다[원문].매트 차크라 리미티드는 비닐 헤드(카트리지?)와 턴테이블 사이의 용량성/기계적 동작에 작용합니다."


Even allowing for the obvious translation issues, there's a lot of undecipherable gobbledygook here. I don't know what "these disturbances" are. There's no explanation of exactly what the "capacitive/mechanical behavior" is between the cartridge and the turntable, or what causes it. Nor is there any indication of what it is about the mat that reduces it. Also, what is the pebbly material on the surface of the mat? Don't know. What's the mat itself made of? Don't know. What's the purpose of the opening and of the two blobs, and what are they made of? Don't know.

명백한 번역 문제를 감안하더라도, 여기에는 해독할 수 없는 난해한 단어가 많이 있습니다."이러한 장애"가 무엇인지 모르겠습니다. 카트리지와 턴테이블 사이의 "용량성/기계적 동작"이 정확히 무엇인지, 또는 그 원인이 무엇인지에 대한 설명이 없습니다. 또한 이를 감소시키는 매트가 무엇인지에 대한 설명도 없습니다. 또한 매트 표면의 자갈 같은 물질은 무엇인가요? 모르겠습니다. 매트 자체는 무엇으로 만들어졌나요? 모르겠습니다. 입구와 두 개의 얼룩의 용도는 무엇이며 무엇으로 만들어졌나요? 모르겠습니다.


What I do know is this: I played a series of records placed directly on the OMA's polycrystalline graphite platter mat using the clamping system. Then I placed the Mat Chakra on top of the graphite platter followed by the clamping washer and I clamped and repeated play.

제가 아는 것은 이것뿐입니다:저는 클램핑 시스템을 사용하여 OMA의 다결정 그라파이트 플래터 매트 위에 직접 레코드판을 올려놓고 일련의 레코드를 재생했습니다.그런 다음 매트 차크라를 그라파이트 플래터 위에 놓고 클램핑 와셔를 사용하여 클램핑하고 반복해서 재생했습니다.



I've been fixated on Shostakovich's The Age of Gold Ballet Suite (RCA LSC-2322) with Jean Martinon conducting the London Symphony Orchestra, recorded in stereo in 1957 at Kingsway Hall, probably by the Decca Records recording team, but not released until 1959. It's a sonic spectacular that can sound a bit bright on orchestral crescendos, especially on cymbal crashes and massed strings.

저는 1957년 킹스웨이 홀에서 데카 레코드 녹음팀에 의해 스테레오로 녹음되었지만 1959년까지 발매되지 않은 쇼스타코비치의 '황금의 시대 발레 모음곡'(RCA LSC-2322)을 장 마르티논이 런던 심포니 오케스트라를 지휘하며 녹음한 것에 집착해 왔어요. 오케스트라 크레센도, 특히 심벌즈 크래쉬와 대규모 현악기에서 약간 밝게 들릴 수 있는 음향의 장관이 펼쳐집니다.


With the mat in place, the stage deepened, the massed strings had a touch of added warmth, and the woodwinds were a bit less shrill. The first major cymbal crash was more natural sounding, with better control and less aggressive splash, and the pizzicato strings had more supple "pluck." The first major orchestral explosion a few minutes in was far less aggressive, presented with greater realism and especially control—it didn't jump forward on the stage. The recording continued to be somewhat aggressive on top, but it was far more enjoyable with the mat than without it. I heard these differences with every record, but it was more significant on orchestral and acoustic music generally.

매트를 설치하자 무대가 깊어지고, 현악기의 울림이 더 따뜻해졌으며, 목관악기의 울림이 조금 덜 날카로워졌습니다. 첫 번째 주요 심벌즈 크래시는 더 자연스러운 사운드로 더 잘 제어되고 덜 공격적으로 튀었으며, 피치카토 현은 더 유연한 "뽑기"가 가능해졌습니다. 몇 분 후의 첫 번째 주요 오케스트라 폭발은 훨씬 덜 공격적이었고, 훨씬 더 사실적이었으며, 특히 무대에서 앞으로 튀어나오지 않는 제어력을 보여주었습니다. 녹음은 계속해서 다소 공격적으로 진행되었지만 매트가 없을 때보다 매트가 있을 때 훨씬 더 즐거웠습니다. 모든 음반에서 이러한 차이를 느낄 수 있었지만, 일반적으로 오케스트라와 어쿠스틱 음악에서 더 두드러졌습니다.


The sonic effect is very similar to record "demagnetization," which as of course you know is impossible, though every person who's visited here hears the difference it makes. I don't write about stuff like this unless I hear it and mean it!

이 음향 효과는 음반의 '자성 제거'와 매우 유사하지만, 아시다시피 불가능하지만 이곳을 방문한 모든 사람이 그 차이를 듣습니다. 저는 직접 들어보지 않고는 이런 이야기를 쓰지 않습니다!


Inventor Alex Cereda says these mats are manufactured one at a time and cost €350, which is around $398. With a demo at an audio show, he could sell a stack of them. Otherwise, the Mat Chakra is sold factory-direct from sublimacables.com.

발명가 알렉스 세레다는 이 매트가 한 번에 하나씩 생산되며 가격은 350유로(약 398달러)라고 말합니다. 오디오 쇼에서 시연을 하면 한 무더기 정도는 팔 수 있을 것 같다고 합니다. 그렇지 않은 경우, 매트 차크라는 sublimacables.com에서 공장에서 직접 판매됩니다.


Footnote 9: Mat Chakra, Sublima Audio Research. Email: sublima@libero.it. Web: sublimacables.com